Sunday, October 31, 2010


I am a big fan of baking. I find it relaxing and fun, especially when you're baking with 2 kids. I'm a nanny, if i haven't already mentioned that, and each Friday we pick a recipe and bake! We make a nice big mess, we do tons of mixing, and we each take turns in liking the bowls and spoons and various other implements. This week was cupcakes. Vanilla for Bella and i, and chocolate for Ben.

Here's the recipe:

120g Butter
2/3 cup caster sugar (i used brown as i prefer the flavour)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs (around 59g if you can)
1 + 1/4 cups self raising flour
1/2 cup milk

Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees.

Cream butter and sugar until a pale smooth consistency. Add vanilla extract and eggs one by one. When eggs are incorporated sift in flour and add milk. At this point i halved the mixture and added 2 tsps of cocoa powder to one bowl to make delicious chocolate cupcakes. I suspect melted chocolate would work even better. Stir until mixture is smooth and no longer lumpy. Spoon into cupcake tins, mixture should make 12 medium sized cupcakes.

Allow cupcakes to cool before putting icing on them. Use any icing recipe you enjoy, personally i like to add a tiny bit of melted butter to mine as it adds to the flavour and also gives the icing a nice texture and glossy finish. Decorate with cachous, sprinkles, icing pens or any other edible treats you enjoy. And voilà!

Sadly i did not get a chance to photograph the fantastic Halloween cookies i baked with the kids. I cut out all the shapes by hand, we had a witches face, a ghost, a broomstick, a few signs, some pumpkin faces, some cute little BOO, AHH and EEK cookies, and a Frankenstein monster. I will post the recipe another time as it was actually quite tasty. Also, keep a look out for a Halloween post, it will be up sometime this week. For now you can look at lovely Ellen's Halloween update (i am a kitty!!! and she is a sexy Vampire).


Thursday, October 21, 2010

A weekend of vintage, sunlight and parasols

It was a really lovely weekend spent perusing the Love Vintage Fair, attempting not to blow away, and in contrast walking along the sunny streets of Sydney. The weather literally went from chilly and intensely windy, to bright and sunny in the space of a weekend. I finally got the chance to wear my lovely ocean scene skirt, as well as my cute little 70's sun dress. I bought a gorgeous parasol at the fair, i couldn't resist a peacock themed, hand painted item like that. It's lovely, isn't it?

Dress: Lovely 70s dress from Emporium of the forgotten

Yes, i am a little eccentric, but i felt it necessary to salute the sun for deciding to make an appearance. Hehe.

Petunia x

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What happens when a cat gets wet

So this is an entirely irrelevant silly post that i just simply had to share with all of you. I am not just a lover of vintage, a crafter, an amateur photographer, but i am also a cat lover. And naturally, being a cat lover, i have 3 of my own. It came to my attention today that 2 of my funny little kitties were really rather stinky, and so we had bath time. This was the result....

This is my little orange Figaro, named of course after the cat in Pinnochio (i thought i was awesome when i chose that name at age 9).

And this my dears is Tippany, the little rat cat. I find her quite intriguing and beautiful really, but i guess others may disagree. She's named for the way the tip of her tail always curls.

Don't think my kitties are overly happy with me for this afternoons bath time fun, but at least they both smell delicious.



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Springtime fun

I've recently received some gorgeous little spring delights from where else but etsy. I haven't had a chance to photograph a few of the dresses but here is my latest edition to my ever expanding wardrobe.

Shoes: Senso
Skirt: 1970's skirt from Wildfell Hall Vintage
Top and Cardigan: SES
Broach: 1980's pearl and silver broach

I just love that skirt, the image is of an ocean road. There are trees and bushes, and then in the ocean are little boats and mountains. It's just so lovely.

It seems that spring really has arrived as our Wisteria has blossomed and is already being pollinated by hoards of bees. It was like walking into a horror movie, where all you can hear is an eerie buzzing, and you have no idea where it is coming from, and then you look up just as the swarm of bees engulfs and kills you. Ok, i have a wild imagination, but i was a little freaked out.

I've been crafting again, expect some craft themed updates.

*Lonely Little Petunia*

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The men in my life

It's been a lovely weekend as per usual, spent with the lovely Ellen. The weekend was busy, and involved a lot of cleaning, which was i have to admit i rather enjoy. But even with our cleaning and trips to the hair dresser and RTA, we managed to find our way to Vinnies. we are hopeless little things. I am glad we have no willpower though, else i wouldn't have found the most gorgeous little porcelain dolls.

We all know the wonderful Mr Charley Chaplain, with his cute little moustache, constantly fashioning a cane and bola hat. And hopefully all of you also know the delightfully silly Laurel and Hardy, famous from the 20's to the 40's. I now have dolls of those three wonderful comedians, thanks to Ellen's observing eyes.

Taking a little outing in the park.

Oliver Hardy in all his handsome glory.

Stan Laurel looking awfully cute.

The adorable Charley Chaplain. He's just great!

I think that the Laurel and Hardy dolls are a set as they have the same pants, coat, face painting ect. Whereas the Chaplain doll's face is not quite as intricate, and his pants are a different colour. But i think these three look so wonderful together, and currently reside on my books shelf :)
