Thursday, November 11, 2010

Time is ticking

Ever sine i was a child i've had a fascination with clocks and watches. I like the noises they make, the way their hands move, the fact that you can actually see time ticking by and disappearing. I still have most of my childhood watch faces, and over the years i have been adding to the little collection. A few days ago i introduced two gorgeous vintage watches to the collection, take a look.

Gorgeous wind up clock. All i need is a long gold chain so i can hang it around my neck.

Isn't the cuckoo clock charm adorable, also a necklace style clock. The love the way the numbers are arranged so they face the wearer, very clever. They are both from the wonderful White Bird Design.

I must say i have some favourites out of the bunch. The one beside the butterfly is a watch i wore as a kid. It has a cat in the middle, and the second hand is a little black mouse. I always loved how it looked like the cat was eyeing the mouse as it moved around the clock face. My other favourite is what i call my Alice in Wonderland watch. It's the green, pink and purple one. Has a cute little love heart on the face, and a button that lights it up.

Petunia x

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