Sunday, January 30, 2011

Australia day, Sam's birthday and 13 years since we moves to Sydney

It was a very pleasant Australia this year. Spent the first half of it at my friend Sam's 21st birthday brunch, and the rest of it at home lazing about with Ellen, my mom and my silly cats. Here are some cute photos of my outfit, which i just adore, and some extra bits and pieces.

Shoes: Nine West
Head band: Hot Dollar

This gorgeous ring was a Christmas present from Ellen, 
isn't she such a sweetheart?

Om nom nom...

The birthday girl :)

This is what orange cats do on Australia day.


1 comment:

Sophia's Lover said...

Taj Mahal

The Taj, mayhap, to you may seem, a mark of love supreme
You may hold this beauteous vale in great esteem;
Yet, my love, meet me hence at some other place!
How odd for the poor folk to frequent royal resorts;
