I've been stuck in bed for almost a week now. And instead of succumbing to illness and sleeping the days away, i decided watching movies was a much better idea. I've plowed my way through some brilliant slasher films, but what i've really enjoyed are the films oozing with Christmassy joy. I know it's stupid, but around this time of year i do like to watch crappy Christmas movies about family and love and most importantly Santa! So here's my list of Christmas films to watch, and i'll throw in a few i am dying to watch myself.
This is such a stupid movie, and i love it. It's about a thieving Santa with a dwarf elf as a side kick. It's just a great movie. Watch it!
I can't help but want to watch this movie. A Christmas horror flick, hells yes. It appears to be a slasher film about a psychotic Santa killing sorority girls.
I love this version of Charles Dicken's Christmas Carol. It's just a sweet animated film that makes you feel all Christmassy inside.
Not quite as good as the 2001 version, but still a good take on such a well known story. I liked the somewhat darker take, and besides who can resist Jim Carey as Scrooge?
Ironic how true this movie is. People get so freakishly competitive with their Christmas decorations. I even heard a child telling they're mom "we need that Santa light mom because next door has more lights than us and it's not fair". Ridiculous, but true.
Two very over the top Hollywood romantic comedies that i am sure all of you have seen. I love them, in fact, i own them both on DVD. Hehe.
Childhood. Need i say more?
Such a nice refreshing take on Christmas. I can watch this film anytime of the year though, which is what i love about it most.
This actually gets me in the spirit of Christmas. It makes me want to buy presents and wrap them beautifully, and it even makes me want to believe in Santa Claus despite being 22 years old. Tom Hanks is great, the music is great, and really the idea of hopping on a ghost train in the middle of the night and visiting the north pole is just fantastic.
My all time favorite Christmas film ever. I have loved this movie since i was a little girl. It's bittersweet and heartwarming. A family is reunited, adults learn to put aside their stupidities, and love prevails, all because of a little angel girl. Just beautiful.
What are your favorite Christmas movies? I'd love some suggestions of news ones to watch.